Star Quality Experience

After the successful publication of my first book Star Quality Hospitality – The Key to a Successful Hospitality Business I am delighted to announce that my second book is all about delivering a Star Quality Experience.

Having spent the last 9 months, researching, interviewing and writing this book I am very excited to say that my final manuscript is now with my publisher! A sneaky peak as to what this book is about…


Book Draft image

Draft image of Star Quality Experience manuscript

To create memorable guest experiences, as a hospitality professional you need to put yourself in your guests’ shoes. Go on a journey with a difference, as you explore what the hotelier in the know does before even meeting their guest, the touch points during their guests stay, and what happens after their guest leaves. This book will give you the tools you need to make this a reality:

  • Find out what you need to do to ensure your guests book with you
  • Work out how much you really know about your guests
  • Gain insights from esteemed hoteliers on how they make their guest experiences memorable
  • Get your guests to rave about you
  • Follow through and implement the top tips to keep your guests coming back

The information in this book will set you apart from your competition. It will equip you with all you need to know to ensure you take every one of your guests on a journey they will remember…

Special thanks goes out to those that have helped me with this book – you know who you are, and to Peter Hancock for writing the Foreword. All the reviews I have received so far have been very positive. Below is a short snippet of just one of the reviews:

‘…exhilarating, inspiring and covers every aspect of delivering a ‘Star Quality Experience’. I have no hesitation recommending this book to students studying hotel management, hoteliers progressing their careers, and to experienced hoteliers on how to consistently exceed the expectations of their guests by adding unique value…’ 

Harry Murray MBE MI FIH – Chairman, Lucknam Park Hotel & Spa

The full review will be in the book, as will the other reviews that I have received, so you’ll have to wait for it to be published to find out what else has been said. I will keep you posted over the next few months and will let you know once it is finally published and available on Amazon.

If you want to know more, then take advantage of the early bird rate and book on to my next masterclass when all will be revealed.