Taking the Star Quality Experience into Schools in Hong Kong and China
This week I am working on a specialist project in partnership with IAIE as I am taking the Star Quality Experience into schools in Hong Kong and China. IAIE is the International Alliance for Invitational Education and their focus is on promoting positive climates for learning, leading and living.

The masterclass that I have run is on ‘How to develop a 5 Star School’ and the idea behind it is for the Principals of the schools that are attending to look at their schools through the eyes of a hotelier. So by seeing their school as a ‘hotel’, their teachers as the ‘internal customer’ and the pupils as their ‘guests’, the outcome is to refocus the individual school’s vision, mission and values to embed a culture of hospitality, positive experiences and well being for their pupils, thereby enhancing their learning capabilities and enjoyment of school life.
The workshop married together Invitational Education’s 5 Ps in schools model – People, Places, Policies, Programmes and Processes with my Star Quality Experience’s 7 Rs model of creating memorable guest journeys. By stepping in to the shoes of a prospective parent, the school representatives could see first hand, some of the things they will need to do to make a positive impact and for their schools to be seen as schools of excellence.

From running the workshop, I will be spending the rest of my time here this week carrying out site visits to the various schools that are taking part in the programme throughout Hong Kong and China. Each school will receive individual consultancy specifically tailored for them. The focus will be on how a star quality experience can be brought over from the hotel industry in to their schools.