Welcoming the World

Star Quality Hospitality – Helping to Deliver the 5 Star Experience featured in the ‘Welcoming The World’ programme


The British Hospitality Association have produced a news-style programme in partnership with ITN Productions called ‘Welcoming The World’ which was launched at their Hospitality and Tourism Summit 2016 today in front of over 500 industry leaders.

Introduced by national newsreader Natasha Kaplinsky, ‘Welcoming the World – Hospitality & Tourism in the UK’ examines some of the opportunities and incentives for growth, as well as the challenges posed by regulation, technology and an ever-more demanding global market. Reporters explore the different facets of the industry from education and training, to technology and research, to partnership initiatives.

The programme features key industry interviews and news-style reports along with sponsored editorial profiles. Star Quality Hospitality Consultancy has been featured in one of the films that make up this programme and highlights the consultancy work carried out with one of our clients, SoHostel, an independent hostel in the heart of London.

Preview screening of Welcoming The World at the BHA Summit

The film ‘Star Quality Hospitality – Helping to Deliver the 5 Star Experience’ is introduced by Natasha Kaplinsky and shows our founder Monica Or working with SoHostel demonstrating how she operates. Hostel Manager Stuart Ball explains why Monica was brought in, and team member Johnny Swain talks about the WorldHost customer service training he has undertaken as part of the consultancy which has resulted in SoHostel becoming a WorldHost recognised business for customer service excellence. With the assistance from Monica, the hostel has gone from strength to strength since opening in November 2014 with increased occupancy. Due to this they have now opened a coffee shop and are undergoing an expansion to more than doubling their bed capacity as it increases from 155 to 335 beds this summer.

The full programme can be viewed on the British Hospitality Association’s website from the 4th July 2016.